Setting up a New Tenant

When a new tenant joins your building, you'll need to take a few steps to add them to the building application and ensure their users have access to the app.

Step 1

Log into the Admin Dashboard and navigate to the Tenant Directory (under Directories). Here you'll see your current Tenants and a call out button to add a new tenant. Click "+New".

Step 2

From here, you'll fill in the details you have about the Tenant. The only required field is Tenant Name so you can always fill in what you have and come back to it later. If you use the Concierge Tablet App or have a Directory Display connected to cove, please be sure to include Suite Number.

Step 3

Determine if your tenant should be set up with Email Domain access. Learn more about User Access here. Never set your Tenant Email domain access to a common email domain such as Email Domain access should be granted for unique company domains such as "".

Step 4

If using a credit system for reservation, set out the starting credit amount for the period you run your system on (either Quarterly or Monthly).

Step 5

Determine which Reservation Mode to use. Limited Reservation Mode means that only Tenant Admins will have the ability to make a reservation that costs money or credits. Everyone Reservation Mode grants this access to any user (Regular Users or Tenant Admins). Learn more about User Roles here.

Final Step

Save the tenant page and navigate to the User Directory. Add in any specific Tenant points of contact to the User Directory and designate their User role as Tenant Admins.