Surveys: Overview

As the face of your property team, you know that satisfied tenants stay longer, recommend your building to their peers, and contribute to your community environment. Cove's new survey feature will allow you to quickly and easily create in-app surveys - providing you with actionable insights and fresh perspectives from your tenants. Surveys are a critical tool for creating a great tenant experience, allowing you to collect feedback, assess satisfaction, measure success, and address concerns.

With cove, you can build surveys in minutes and distribute them through both highlights and push notifications, and review live results within your Admin Dashboard.

If you want to start creating engaging surveys for your tenants, this article is a good place to begin. In it we will explore:

Additionally, you can learn more about how to use cove’s survey feature here:

🔗 Creating a survey

🔗 Sending a Survey

🔗 Reviewing Results

Survey Examples

Here are just a few examples of surveys that your team could use to gather information from tenants:

Tenant Satisfaction Surveys

Ask tenants a set of questions about their experience in your property and pull out useful insights that allow you to improve the tenant experience.

Examples questions:

  • How would you rate the property management staff in terms of their responsiveness?
  • How satisfied are you with the building's maintenance of restrooms?
  • How easy or difficult was it to request maintenance?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

Occupant Comfort Survey (LEED Certification)

As part of LEED certification, there are survey requirements for things such as occupancy comfort data. The intent of a survey like this is to assess occupant comfort as it relates to building environment (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, acoustical, lighting and cleaning systems), and use the results to provide direction for improving the comfort conditions for building occupants. For more information on LEED occupancy surveys click here.

Examples of questions that can be asked in an occupant comfort survey:

  • What type of control is there over the temperature in your space?
  • What types of lights do you use to illuminate your work area?
  • How satisfied with the quality of the air in your work space are you?

Post-Event Surveys

Learn what attendees thought about an event, what they enjoyed most, and what can be improved next time. Measuring attendee satisfaction will help you improve your events and figure out what's working and what isn't.

Examples of questions that can be asked in a post-event survey:

  • What is your level of satisfaction with this event?
  • Are you likely to participate in one of our events in the future?
  • How did you hear about this event?

Tips for Survey Engagement

Surveys only work if people respond. Use these tips on engagement from SurveyMonkey's article "5 Ways to Get the Survey Data You Want."

  1. Go online. How to get people to take a survey starts by making it accessible to them. You're already doing this one by using Cove's Survey Feature!
  2. Keep your survey short. If respondents see that there are too many questions, they’ll be more inclined to leave several unanswered.
  3. Use survey incentives to motivate respondents to take your survey.
  4. Be clear and direct. Respondents won’t know how to fill out a survey if they don’t understand what’s being asked of them.
  5. Follow up with respondents. If respondents don’t think that you read through their feedback and took into account, the question of how to get people to take a survey will become all the more challenging in the future.

Resources for Writing Effective Survey Questions

🔗 Best Practices for Writing Good Survey and Poll Questions

🔗 Great Survey Questions: How to Write Them & Avoid Common Mistakes

🔗 How To Write Good Survey Questions