Surveys: Sending A Survey

Now that you have created a survey, it’s time to send it! There are two ways you can send it to users:

Attaching Surveys to A Mobile Highlights

The following are steps for attaching a survey to a mobile highlight. For more information on creating highlights, please visit this support article.

  1. Within the section Contact and Button Configuration click Include link to app feature, and fields will appear:

  2. Create a title for the action button within the highlight. Link to Feature Button Title. This is the text users will see on the action button at the bottom of the highlight. We recommend using action words like “Take the Survey.”
  3. In the dropdown menu for Feature You Want To Link Highlight To select Survey.
  4. Choose the survey you would like to attach.

  5. Finish setting up the highlight and click Save.

This is what users will see when a survey is attached to a highlight:

Sending Surveys Through Push Notifications

The following are steps for sending a survey through push notifications. For more information on push notifications, please visit this support article.

  1. Within the Engage section of the dashboard, click Announcements.

  2. Click +New Announcement.

  3. Select Send as Push Notification.

  4. In the Link To section, select Survey.

  5. From the dropdown menu, select the survey you would like to attach. All saved surveys will appear in this dropdown menu.

  1. From here you will follow the normal process for sending a push notification:
    • Write a subject line
    • Add some text in the body of the message
    • Choose when your notification will be sent

This is what users will see when a survey is sent through a push notification:

Next Steps

Now that you have sent your survey, it’s time to review the results and manage your surveys. Follow this link to get started reviewing your survey results.

🔗 Survey Results