Creating An Equipment Library

Create an equipment library to manage your equipment and associate pieces of equipment with work orders, tasks, and inspections. In this article we will discuss:

Once pieces of equipment are added to your library, you can then assign a QR code to each for faster access.

Creating Equipment Categories

Note: Creating Equipment Categories is optional, but recommended in order to keep your equipment organized. Skip this section if you do not want to create categories.

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance module.
  2. Navigate to the Equipment Library page.
  3. Click on New Equipment Category in the upper right corner.
  4. Name the category (eg: HVAC Equipment).
  5. Click Save.

Creating Equipment Items

  1. On the same Equipment Library page, click on New Equipment Item in the upper right corner.
  2. Fill out the form for the appropriate piece of equipment:
    • Name (required): Name the piece of equipment
    • Category: Select the category from the dropdown. This dropdown is populated after creating equipment categories.
    • Building: In which building is this equipment located?
    • Floor: On which floor is this equipment located?
    • Suite: In which quite is this equipment located?
    • Other Details: Use this section to organize information about each piece of equipment.
      • Make, model, serial #, Install Date, Warranty End, Estimated Replacement Date, Install Cost, Replacement Cost
  1. Click Save.