App Screens

Revolutionize your user experience with the power to craft multiple layers of personalized app screens, tailored to your preferences and needs. With nested customization options, allow users to navigate seamlessly through your building app like never before. In this article we will discuss:

Creating App Screens

Users will access a new app screens through a Highlight or Spotlight. We recommend creating your app screen and all of its content first, prior to linking it to a Highlight or Spotlight.

  1. Navigate to App Home Screens in the Engage module.
  2. Click on the Additional Screens page.
  3. Click on +New Screen.
  4. Name your screen. This name will be visible to users.
  5. Optional: Provide a description of the screen and its contents. This description will be visible to users.
  6. Click Save.

Creating and Organizing Content in Your App Screens

Once you have created your new app screen, its time to add and organize content.

Note: A Highlight Section can only belong to one screen; it cannot be both on home page and additional screen.

  1. Click into the new app screen you just created.
  2. Follow these directions to create highlight sections and individual highlights.
  3. Organize your content in the highlight table by clicking the up and down arrows in the Order column.

Publishing App Screens

Now that you have created your new app screen and added content, it's time to make it live on the app. In order for your users to access additional app screens, they need to be linked via a Highlight on the app home screen - screens that are unlinked will not be viewable to users.

  1. Create a new highlight or navigate to Highlights to edit an existing highlight.
  2. Scroll down to the Contact and Button Configuration section of Highlights.
  3. Select Include link to app feature, and a dropdown menu will appear.
  4. Fill out the this section of the form:
    • Link To Feature Button Title: Title the CTA button (16 characters or fewer).
    • Feature You Want To Link Highlight To: Select Screen from the dropdown menu.
    • Highlight Screen (App Screen): Select the appropriate app screen from this list. Note that your screen will not appear on this dropdown list until it's been created and saved.
    • Spotlight Button (Optional): If using this highlight as a Spotlight, this button will display on the app home page. If using choose Select Navigate to Feature from the dropdown menu.

  1. Finish setting up your Highlight.
  2. Click Save.

Once your new screen is linked to a Highlight, users will be able to access it and all of the content.

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