
Cove's Display Management feature allows you to easily and quickly create displays in your dashboard, manage which highlights go to each display, and assign tenant directories to each display. In this article we will discuss:

Note: If you do not see the Display Management page listed in your dashboard in the Engage module, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or customersuccess@cove.is and we will be sure to activate it for you.

Display URL: https://display.cove.is/activate

Display Overview

Cove's display management feature is website based. In order to show your content on your display or TV, you will need a TV with access to the Internet in one of the following ways:

    • TV with a digital signage device such as Airtame
    • smart TV with an Internet connection and the ability to display a browser
      • note: each Smart TV comes with it's own native web browser so we cannot guarantee our displays will work on each. We can guarantee our displays work with Airtame.

Display Setup with Airtame

To set up Airtame, please use the following directions from their website. Be sure to:

  1. Install, configure and connect your Airtame to the Internet
  2. Connect your Airtame to the Airtame cloud for remote management

At this point you are ready to display Cove content on your Airtame. Follow the steps in the video below.

Display Setup with Smart TV (no digital signage provider)


  • Each Smart TV comes with it's own native web browser so we cannot guarantee our displays will work on each. We can guarantee our displays work with Airtame.
  • If you need support accessing your TVs web browser, we recommend using the support documents for your specific TV.
  1. Navigate to the web browser on your TV.
  2. Add https://display.cove.is/activate to the browser.
  3. Adjust the settings of your web browser so that it is full screen and you cannot see the search bar. This will also be individual to your specific TV, but you can try minimizing the browser or looking at the settings to find a section called "Hide Tab" or something similar.

Creating Displays

Note: This step can be done remotely/not while you're directly in front of your TV, but you will need to make note of the activation code.

  1. On your computer or laptop, open the Cove Dashboard and navigate to the Engage module .Click on Display Management.

    Note: if you do not see this as an option on your dashboard, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or customersuccess@cove.is and we will be sure to activate it for you.

  2. Click on +Add Display or click on the pencil icon to edit an existing display.
  3. Fill out the display form:
    • Device Name: name your device (we recommend a location based name such as "Lobby")
    • Activation Code: enter the activation code displayed on the activation URL.
    • Display Device as Full Screen: Check this box to enable full screen events and highlights. If checked, your displays will not show a tenant directory, weather, or a building logo. Ensure all images for highlights and events are at least 1920x1080.
    • Select Building(s) To Filter Tenant Directory By: If you would like to show a tenant directory on your display, select the buildings the building associated with this display.
      • Showing a tenant directory requires your buildings, floors, and suites to be set up in advance
      • If a tenant directory is not enabled, a weather widget will be shown in its place.
  1. Click Save.

Once you save this information, your TV browser will automatically switch from displaying the activation code, to displaying your content.

Configuring Displays

You can configure your displays to show one of three options:

    • engagement content only
    • engagement content + weather widget
    • engagement content + tenant directory

Use the example images below to configure your display.

    • engagement content only

    • engagement content + weather widget

    • engagement content + tenant directory

Managing Displays

From the display management table you can edit or delete displays, edit display names, change activation codes, and manage which directories are associated with each display.

  • Edit or delete a display: Click on the pen or trash can icons
  • Edit display name: Click on the pen icon (the display overview will open), rename the display, and click Save.
  • Change activation codes: Click on the pen icon (the display overview will open), add the new activation code, and click Save.
  • Change tenant directories: Click on the pen icon (the display overview will open), select or de-select the buildings associated with this display, and click Save.

  1. On the display itself or within your display management product like Airtame, add this activation URL: .

    Note: If you are using Airtame, add the URL under Signage > Default Playlist > Add website. Click here for more information about Airtame setup.