Waivers: Overview

Create waivers for tenants and guests to sign in order to gain access to part of your property, acknowledge responsibilities, or protect your building from liability . Waivers can be connected to highlight, or they can live independently in your app.

Here are a few examples of when to use a waiver:

  • fitness waiver
  • parking garage access waiver
  • locker rooms

Who Can Create, Edit and See Waivers?

Create a New Waiver

  1. Navigate to the Waivers section of the dashboard
  2. Click + New Waiver

After creating a new waiver, there are five main sections to edit:

  1. Basic Information (included below)
  2. Signature Settings
  3. Custom Questions & Automatic Data Collection
  4. Openpath Configuration
  5. Visibility & Notifications

In this overview article, only the Basic Information section is described. For information on each of the other Waiver sections, please visit the individual article links.

Basic Information

Waiver Name

This is the name users will see, so keep it short and simple.

Waiver Content

Add and format your waiver language here. You can format: alignment, text size, font style, and add headers.


Once you've created a waiver and added content, you're ready to set up your signature settings. Click here to go to the Signature Settings article.