Group Visits

Schedule group visits for single or multiple visits and choose whether they are a visitor or a vendor. Each visitor will have an individual record created for each date, with their own credential. Available on the dashboard now for sites with standard visitor management, and coming soon for those with access control.

Create a Group Visit

  1. Navigate to the Visitors module and click on the Visitors page.
  2. Click on Add a Visitor in the upper right.
  3. Fill out the form.
  4. Click Save.

Host Details

  1. Choose the tenant (if you have access to more than one tenant).
  2. Choose the host's floor.

Note: This only applies if turned on in the Visitor Settings section and if the tenant has multiple floors.

    • If the setting is not turned on in Visitor Settings, the floor option will not appear.
    • If the tenant only has one floor, the visit will default to the correct floor.
  1. Choose the host from the dropdown menu

Visitor Details

  1. Add the visitor's first name.
  2. Add the visitor's last name.
  3. Add the visitor's email.

Note: visitor emails are required at some buildings and not others. If your building requires that a visitor email you will be required to fill out that field.

  1. Select Visitor or Vendor from the dropdown menu.
  2. If you have more visitors to add, click the Add Visitor button and repeat steps 4-7. There is no limit to the number of visitors you can register this way.

Visit Dates

  1. Choose single or multiple dates.
    • If you choose Single Visit, you will be prompted to determine the single date and time of arrival.

    • If you choose Multiple Dates, you will be prompted to determine the multiple dates and times of each arrival.
      • Click Add Another Date to add another date.
      • Add up to ten visits at one time using Multiple Dates

Other Details

All of these are optional.

  1. Add a Reason For Visit.
  2. Add an Organization Name.
  3. Add Additional Emails.

Note: Add emails for anyone else (aside from the host) who should receive notifications when a visitor checks-in.

  1. Click Complete Visitor Registration.

Visitor Notifications

Visitors receive an email at the time of registration and again the morning of their visit. The email that arrived on the morning of the visit will include arrival directions. Set the arrival instructions in the Email Arrival Settings section of the Visitor Setup page.

Editing Visits

Once a visitor (or group of visitors) is added, their visits will be individually editable from the visitor table. Click on the pencil icon to edit an individual visitor registration.