Custom Work Order Reports

As a Building Admin, you can create and save customizable Work Order reports based on a specified date range and work order status.

Creating Custom Reports

  1. Navigate to the Reports & Analytics module
  2. Click on the Work Order Analytics page.
  3. Click on the Custom Reports sub-page.
  4. Click on +New Custom Report in the upper right and fill out the form.
    • Name: Name the report
    • Breakout Type: Select how you want your rows to breakout when viewing your report.
      • Standard: Each row is a work order.
      • Billables Breakout: Each row is related to a billable item such as labor entry or material entry. Any cost codes and rules defined on those materials, labor rates and tax/markup settings will apply. If there are multiple materials or labor entries added to a work order, then each item will display as a separate row.

5. Click Save.

Customizing Reports

Now that you have a custom report created, you can now configure it based on exactly what you want to see.

  1. Click into the name of the report you just created.
  2. Select the start and end time for the dat range.
  3. Select the data type from the dropdown
    • Closed
    • Completed
    • Exported
    • Submitted
    • Verified
  1. Click on the Filter button to adjust the report filters
  2. Click on the Edit Columns button to edit and/or reorder the columns in the report.
    • select and de-select the columns you'd like to view in your report
    • drag and drop the column names to reorder
  1. Click the download button to download the report in .csv form.
  2. All changes are automatically saved.