Creating and Managing Purchase Orders

Once your Purchase Order module is set up, you can open and manage purchase orders. In this article we will discuss:

Note: if you do not see the Purchase Order module in your dashboard, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Create Purchase Orders

  1. Navigate to the All Purchase Orders page in the Purchase Order module.
  2. Click +New Purchase Order button in the upper right corner and fill out the form:
    • Vendor: Select the appropriate vendor from the dropdown menu.
      • Note: You will first need to set up vendors in your dashboard. Click here to set up vendors.
    • Building: Select the campus building from the dropdown, if appropriate.
    • Paid Status: Paid or Not Paid
    • Not To Exceed: Add the amount that the vendor is not to exceed for this Purchase Order.
    • Dollar Amount: The final amount paid for this Purchase Order.
      • Note: This is designed to be added after the invoice is processed or the transaction is completed on the vendor side.
    • Purchase Order Items / Description: The details and materials to be included in the Purchase Order (eg: 2x- Material A, 1x- Material B)
  1. Click Save.

Manage Purchase Orders

Editing Purchase Orders

To edit a Purchase Order, click on the pencil icon next to the P.O. ID. From here you can:

    • edit details of the Purchase Order
    • add notes or attachments
    • change the Status: Open or Closed
    • change the Paid Status: Paid or Not Paid

Adding a Finalized Dollar Amount

From the detailed Purchase Order page:

  1. Click the Edit Details button in the upper right corner
  2. Add the finalized dollar amount.
  3. Click Save.

Exporting and Printing Purchase Orders

From the detailed Purchase Order page:

  1. Click the Print Overview button in the upper right corner
  2. The PDF window will appear.
  3. Save as a PDF or send the PO to your local printer.

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