Purchase Order Setup
Set up your purchase orders so that they are configured for your building. These settings will be applied to all PDFs generated for Purchase Orders. In this article we will discuss:
- editing shipping and billing addresses
- editing instructions and terms and conditions
- managing signature settings
Note: if you do not see the Purchase Order module in your dashboard, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
- Navigate to the General Setup page under the Purchase Order Setup page.
- Fill out the form for each of the following sections:
Edit Shipping and Billing Addresses
- Ship To Address: Where vendors should mail their purchase order materials.
- Bill To Address: The address vendors should bill or invoice to.
Edit Instructions and Terms and Conditions
Additional PO Language: Add any instructions, terms & conditions or other language you would like to include on all Purchase Orders, such as: legal language, special instructions for shipping orders, etc.
Manage signature settings
Manage whether or not approver and vendor signatures should be required on Purchase Orders.
- To require approver signatures, click the Approver Signature box
- To require vendor signatures, click the Vendor Signature box