Incident Response and Management

Open, respond, and manage incident reports. In this article we will discuss:

Open an Incident Report


  1. Navigate to the Open, Resolved, or All Incidents page in the Incident module.
  2. Click on the +New Incident button in the upper right.
  3. Fill out the incident form:
    • Category: select the appropriate incident category
    • Incident Type: select the appropriate incident type
    • Title: name the incident
    • Description: Add text to document the incident.
    • Location: select the appropriate building, floor, and suite for where the incident occurred.
    • Affected Tenant (optional): choose the affected tenant if necessary
    • Photos and Attachments (optional): add attachments (eg- police reports or images) if necessary
  1. Click Submit.

Manage Incidents

In order to make day-to-day management of incidents easier, incident reports are organized into three pages (Open Incidents, Resolved Incidents, and All Incidents) based on their status.

    • Open Incidents: Incident reports that are open or on hold
    • Resolved Incidents: Incident reports that resolved, cancelled, or closed
    • All Incidents: all incident reports

Within the table view of incident reports, you can manage an incident by clicking into the Incident Report ID.

From here you can:

  • edit the status
  • edit the work groups
  • add a note or attachment
  • see the history and chronology of the ticket
  • edit key details for the incident

Resolve Incidents

To resolve an incident, change the status of the report to resolved or closed.

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