Incident Setup

Set up your Incident module so that incidents can be documented, managed, and routed based on your preferences. In this article we will discuss:

Note: if you do not see the Incident module in your dashboard, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Create Incident Categories

Create a list of incident categories to help organize incidents by severity and route them to the right people. If your sites are organized into a network, create these categories at the network level.


  1. Navigate to the Incident Types page under Incident Setup.
  2. Click on the Incident Category tab.
  3. Click on the +Create Incident Category button in the upper right.
  4. Name the incident category.
    • If creating incident categories at the network level choose availability: for the entire network, or specific sites.
      • To select specific sites, click on Select Specific Sites and a list of sites associated with that network will appear. Select each site you would like to include, and click Save.
  1. Click Save.

Create Incident Types

Create a list of incident types to help organize incidents by severity and route them to the right people.


  1. Navigate to the Incident Types page under Incident Setup.
  2. Click on the Incident Types tab.
  3. Click on the +Create Incident Type button in the upper right.
  4. Fill out the incident form:
    • Name: name the incident
    • Category: assign the incident type to a category (eg- Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3)
    • Severity: assign a severity level to the incident type
    • Description (optional): describe the incident type
    • Site Visibility: If creating incident types at the network level choose availability: for the entire network, or specific sites.
      • To select specific sites, click on Select Specific Sites and a list of sites associated with that network will appear. Select each site you would like to include, and click Save.
  1. Attach a custom questionnaire to the incident type, if desired.
  2. Click Save.

Route Incident Reports

At the building level, determine routing settings to ensure the right people hear about the right Incident Types. Incident routing uses work groups created in the Work Order module.

  1. Navigate to the Work Groups page under the Work Order Setup section.
  2. Click +Create Group in the upper right corner and fill out the form:
    • Group Name: Name the work group (eg- Tier 1 Response Group)
    • Members: Select which colleagues and employees you want to be part of this work group. Click each name to select, and a blue check will appear in the box next to their name.
    • Work Order Notification Hours: Determine the hours this group will receive emails and notifications.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Navigate back to the Incident Routing page under the Incident Setup page. All pre-created incident types will appear in the table view on this page.
  3. Click the pencil icon next to an incident type, and a form will open on the right.
  4. Select the appropriate work group from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Save.