Network Level Email Templates

Network administrators can create email templates that can be viewed, used, or duplicated at each site in the network. Once created, the template will be visible at each site within that network.

Create, Edit, and Assign Email Templates at the Network Level

  1. Navigate to the network level view on your dashboard.

  2. Select the network.
  3. Navigate to the Engage module.
  4. Click on Announcements.
  5. Click +Create Email Template in the upper right corner.
  6. Fill out the fields at the top of the page using the following information:
    • Name: Name the email template
    • Visible To Sites (yes or no):
        • yes: This template will be visible to all sites associated with the network.
        • no: This template will not be visible to sites associated with the network.
    • Load From Template: Select from the drop down menu either an existing template or Blank if you would like to create a template from scratch.

  1. Create an email template using these support articles.
    • Note: Templates will populate with information from all associated sites.
  1. Click Save.

View and Use Network Email Templates at the Building Level

Once created at the network level, the template will be available from the Load From Template drop down menu at each site associated with the network.

  • Users at the site level will be able to duplicate the template
  • Users at the site level will not be able to edit or delete the template