Buildings, Floors, And Suites

Add buildings, floors, suites, and suite types at your property so your work orders, maintenance tasks, and inspections are associated with a specific area of your property. This information is also important for work order reporting.

Add Buildings, Floors, and Suites

When setting up your property manually we recommend doing so in this order:

Add Buildings

  1. Click + Add Building in the upper right corner.
  2. Name the building.
  3. Add an external billing ID (if applicable).

    Note: The external billing ID is applicable for tenant charges and cost reclassification reports associated with work orders.

  4. Click Save.

This building will now appear in the Buildings Tab of the Buildings, Floor, and Suites table.

Add Floors

  1. Click + Add Floor in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the appropriate building from the dropdown menu.
  3. Name the floor.
  4. Click Save.

This floor will now appear in the Floors Tab of the Buildings, Floor, and Suites table.

Add Suite Types

Use suite types to determine suite visibility and control the availability of locations in which tenants can submit work order requests. Create dynamic routing for inspections so the platform can identify locations that need be inspected based on the suite type association.

  1. Click + Add Suite Type in the upper right corner.

  2. Name the suite type.

    Examples: common area, mechanical room, restroom, stairwell, tenant unit.

  3. Determine suite visibility.

    This setting defines which users can create Work Orders in this suite:

      • Shared: any tenant user
      • Tenant: only tenants occupying this suite
      • Internal: only users on the building team
  1. Click Save.

This suite type will now appear in the Suite Type Tab of the Buildings, Floor, and Suites table.

Add Suites

  1. Click + Add Suite in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the appropriate building from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the appropriate floor from the dropdown menu.
  4. Name the suite.
  5. Select the suite type.
  6. Click Save.

This suite will now appear in the Suites Tab of the Buildings, Floor, and Suites table.

Bulk Upload Floors and Suites

  1. Add buildings first (see steps above).
  2. Click Upload Floors and Suites in the upper right corner.

  1. Follow the instructions below to upload the floors and suites of a building. The Floors and Suites list allows you to add more than one floor and suite at a time. Please be sure to create the building before completing this step.
      • Download the spreadsheet template.
      • Import the floor and suite you would like to add: Follow the instructions in the template to import your floor and suite data. Your spreadsheet should look similar to the example below. The column headers should be the floor name values and the row in each column the suite that corresponds with the floor.

      • Export to CSV format: Export the Floor and Suite List sheet as a .CSV file.
      • Upload: Once the file is saved as a .CSV, click the Upload Floors and Suites button at the top of the page. Follow the prompts as your .csv is scanned and uploaded. If needed, correct any errors in the file and upload again.

Delete Buildings, Floors, and Suites

  • To delete a building, floor, or suite, click on the trash icon next to each.
    • Prior to deleting a building, first remove the associated suite(s) or floor(s) from this building.
    • Prior to deleting a floor, first remove the associated suite(s) from this floor.
    • Deleting a suite will delete the suite for future use and remove from any associated tenants. Any previous work associated with this suite will remain.

Prior to a building, floor, or suite being deleted, a warning message will appear (see below). If you would like to proceed, choose Yes, Delete.

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