COI Setup

A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is used for proving insurance coverage. Vendors and tenants often have a COI that proves they have insurance that protects against liability for workplace accidents or injuries. Cove's COI module allows for easy document and expiration date management. In this article we will cover:

COI Module Overview

The COI module is comprised of three main sections: tenant COIs, vendor, COIs, and setup.

Setting up COIs is best done in this order:

  1. create policy types
  2. create coverage categories
  3. setup COI emails and notifications

Create Policy Types

  1. Navigate to the COI module and the COI Setup page.
  2. Click +Add Policy Type in the upper right.
  3. Name the policy type.
  4. Click Save

Create Coverage Categories

  1. On the same COI Setup page, click +Add Coverage Category in the upper right.
  2. Name the category
  3. Provide a description of the category if needed.
  4. Select the policy types you want to make required for this vendor category.
    • If you do not see a policy type that needs to be required, go back and create it under Policy Types.
  1. Click Save.

Set Up COI Emails and Notifications

Once a COI expiration date has been added, two emails will automatically be sent to vendors 30 days and 15 days prior to the expiration date with the following text:

Hi [vendor_name],

Your certificate of insurance with [site_name] is set to expire in [# days]. Please update your Certificate of Insurance at your earliest convenience with the building team.

The emails and notifications section is where you can customize the message based on how you would like COIs to be sent to you. The text you add in this section will be part of the above email sent to vendors.

  1. On the same COI Setup page, click on the far right tab called Email and Notifications.
  2. Add directions for where and how you would like new COIs to be sent (see example below)
  3. Add COI Expiration Emails
    • When COI expiration emails are sent out to vendors, these emails will also receive the notification along with the applicable vendors. Separate each with a comma.
  1. Click Save.