Highlights: Creating & Managing Display Highlights

Highlights are announcements published your displays, and they can be used to share important information with your users. Display Highlights can include an image, titles and descriptions, or they can just be an image that includes necessary information. Displays will rotate between all published highlights.

To create, edit, and manage your highlights, navigate to the Engage module and click Highlights.

On the Highlights page, you will see all current and past highlights- you can easily edit, duplicate or delete highlights using the icons under the Action column. Click on one of the three buttons at the top to create a highlight.

    • +New Highlight Section: Click here to create a new highlight section for your app homepage.
    • +New Mobile Highlight: Click here to create a new mobile app highlight.
    • +New Display Highlight: Click here to create a display highlight.

Creating Display Highlights

  1. Click on +New Display Highlight.
  2. Fill out the categories to create your highlight.
  3. Click Save.

Managing Display Highlights

Once you create and save a highlight, it will appear in the highlight table. From here you can:

  • see a quick view of the highlight, including:
    • title
    • subtitle
    • highlight section
    • status (published, draft, hidden)
    • show until
    • date created
  • edit, duplicate, or delete a highlight
  • filter to search for highlights
  • download a .csv of highlight overviews