Amenity Reservations- Setting Up Seating Arrangements

Seating Arrangements is a feature that allows users to choose from customized seating options when reserving amenity spaces. Building Administrators, Building Engineers, and Building Managers can activate this in cove dashboard using the steps in this article.

Creating a Seating Arrangement

  1. Navigate to the Seating Arrangement Setup in the Reservations module of the dashboard.
  2. Click on +New Seating Arrangement in the top right corner.
  3. Fill out the form for that seating arrangement option.
    • Display Name: The name of the seating arrangement. Users will see this when making a reservation.
    • Label: Add a seating arrangement label if needed (users will not see this label).
    • Capacity: What is the maximum capacity for this seating arrangement?
    • Image: Upload an image that represents this seating arrangement.
  1. Click Save.

Attaching A Seating Arrangement To An Existing Amenity Space

  1. Navigate to the Amenity Reservations section of the Reservation module of the dashboard.
  2. Click on the amenity category, and the specific amenity you would like to edit.

  3. Scroll down to the Seating Arrangement Options section, and choose the appropriate seating arrangements from the dropdown menu. Once a seating arrangement option is selected, it will appear within that box in a blue circle.

  4. Click Save.