User Tags


User Tags are a powerful tool that allow you to identify, categorize, and segment users within your directory in the unique ways your building needs. Add User Tags to Highlights, Events, and Amenities, so that segmented groups of users can see specific content. A few notes about user tags:

  • there is no limit to the number of user tags you can create
  • there is no limit to the number of user tags that can be added to a user
  • tags can be active or deactivated
  • bulk add and remove tags on the User directory

In this article we will discuss:

Where Can I See User Tags?

User Tags are visible from the user directory and individual profiles as a Building Administrator. Users cannot see the tags associated with their profile.

User Directory

Creating User Tags

  1. Navigate to the Directory section of the cove dashboard.
  2. Click on Tags.
  3. Click on + Create Tag.
  4. Fill out the Tag information:
    • Tag Name: Keep this short so it's easier to see in the dashboard
    • Status:
      • Active: Tags that are actively being used
      • Disabled: Tags that are no longer in use
    • Description: This is internal only. We recommend writing a more detailed description so your tag name can stay short.
  5. Click Save

Individually Adding User Tags

  1. Navigate to a user's profile in the Directory module.
  2. Scroll down to the Tags section of their profile.
  3. Select the appropriate User Tag from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click Save.

Bulk Adding User Tags

  1. Navigate to the Directory section of the cove dashboard.
  2. Click on Users.
  3. Select the users you would like to tag.
  4. Click on Action (number) Button at the top.
  5. Select Add Tags.
  6. Select the desired tag from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click Save.

Bulk Removing User Tags

  1. Navigate to the Directory section of the cove dashboard.
  2. Click on Users.
  3. Select the users for which you would like to remove a tag.
  4. Click on Action (number) Button at the top.
  5. Select Remove Tags.
  6. Select the tag you would like to remove from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click Save.

Adding User Tags to Highlights, Events, Amenities, and Announcements

Highlight sections, individual highlights, events, amenity categories, individual amenities, and announcements can all be made visible to specified user groups by adding user tags. Here are a few examples of when this might be helpful:

    • Tenant Points of Contact: Create content just for Tenant POCs -- events, tenant handbooks, amenity spaces
    • Membership Spaces: Content only for fitness center members and/or members who have completed a waiver.
    • Affinity Groups: Target specific users with content about affinity groups.

  1. Navigate to a highlight, event, or amenity on the dashboard.
  2. Scroll to the Visibility section of any of these setup forms.

  3. Select Only Visible to Specific User Tags, and a dropdown menu of all your user tags will appear.
  4. Select the users you would like to see this highlight, event, or amenity space.

  5. Click Save.

Note: Building Admin will still be able to see highlights, events, and amenities even if they are not in that user group.

Disabling User Tags

Disabling user tags prevents them from being used in the future. It does not remove the tag from a user's profile, event, announcement, or highlight.

If you have an event, announcement, or highlight that you would now like to show to all users or a different group of users, please delete that tag from the event, announcement, or highlight itself.

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