Waivers: Responses

Once a waiver is completed, the responses are stored in a table within the dashboard. From here you can view, sort, and manage the responses collected digitally, as well as manually add waiver responses.

Where To Find Responses

To find the responses to each waiver, click on the waiver itself. From here, scroll to the right and you will see all of the responses in a table format.

Sorting & Filtering Responses

Sorting Responses

To sort responses within each question, click on the question prompt and the responses will reorder.

Filtering Responses

If you would like to filter what you see in the table, click on the Filter button and choose what you would like to see. In addition to the standard filtering tools, you will be able to filter each custom question you created.

Downloading Waiver Responses

To download waiver responses in .csv format, click on the download icon in the upper right.

Manually Adding Waiver Responses

If you need to manually add waiver responses, you can do so from this table. Click on +Manual Entry, and a menu will appear on the right where you can create a new waiver entry and even attach an image of the physical copy.