Deleting Users in Openpath

When you delete a User in Openpath, they will no longer be able to access entries. 

Once a user is deleted in Openpath, they will no longer be visible by default in your Control Center.  Openpath stores the user data in their database to allow you to still view their entire access history and credential usage.  Also, if you need to re-activate a user, Openpath notes that they will not charge you for deleted users. 

There are a few different ways you can delete Users:

  • To delete an individual User, click the trash icon next to the User on the User Management page.
  • To delete one or more Users, select the checkbox(es) next to the User(s) you want to delete, click the Batch Actions dropdown, then click Delete Users.

When a user is deleted in Openpath, the following will happen in cove: 

If you have the User Directory Integration Setup: User Directory Integration allows Openpath to serve as the source of truth for active users.  If a user is deleted in Openpath, in addition to losing their entry access, they will also be logged out of the cove app.  A user cannot access the cove app unless they are an active, valid user in Openpath.  This rule applies to both Building Orgs and Tenant Org user deletion.  

If you do not have the User Directory Integration turned on: The user will lose their mobile entry access.  They still have the ability to login and interact with the cove app and its other features, but the mobile credential will no longer be valid.