Work Order Notifications

Manage Work Order notifications for your property. Work Order notifications will be sent via email and push note to the app and dashboard. In this article we will discuss:

Note: if a user has their notifications turned off on their device, they will not receive push notes.

Summary of Notifications Received

New In My Work Groups Notifications:

By default, when a new work order is created, everyone in the work order group assigned the work order receives an email and push note, unless a specific assignee is selected.

Assignee (Engineer) Notifications:

By default, engineers will receive an email and push note when each of the following occurs for a work order to which they are assigned:

    • Status updates
    • Assignment updates
    • External notes
    • Internal notes
    • Materials or Labor Added

Tenant Notifications:

By default, tenants will receive an email and push note when each of the following occurs for a work order that they have submitted:

    • Status updates
    • Assignment updates
    • External notes

Manage Notifications Property-Wide

Manage work order notifications at the property level for tenants and assignees.


  1. Navigate to the Notifications page under the Work Order Setup page.
  2. Manage your tenant and assignee notifications by checking and unchecking the updates for each category, including:
    • Manage default notifications when a note is added to a work order
  1. Click Save.

Notifications for Work Order Notes

  • When adding a note to a work order, property and building teams have the option of overriding external notes and assignees. When adding a note to a work order, determine who is notified within the note form.
  • Tenant Admins and Regular Users with work order access will not have the option to override default settings when they add notes to work orders.
    • Assignees will get notified
    • If no one is selected, no one will get notified

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